Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Last day at UTA

Well thats it, today was officially my last day as a bus operator for the Utah Transit Authority. I am relieved and sad at the same time. I have never had a job that I liked all of my supervisors so much, so I really wanted to do something nice for them. I wasn't sure what to do and it was really getting down to the wire. I finally decided on a neat little bag filled with candy and a personal note to all of them. I bought all of the stuff this morning and started to get it all ready. Then from there things started getting difficult. I got my wisdom teeth removed on Friday, and normally by now they shouldn't be so bothersome. Lucky me though, I happened to get "dry sockets". So I was in horrible pain all night and didn't sleep, then I took some pain killers to help me out. Well they finally kick in while I'm trying to put 30 bags together, and I am so loopy that I can barely think straight. So finally I call my brother to come and help cause I'm gonna need him to drive me around anyway. Zach comes over and saves my ass, by helping me put all these bags together and then helps me load them into the car. He first took me to the garage downtown where I give the bags to some of my favorite guys, and I started to get all sad.. :(
Then he takes me to the garage on 33rd, where I give them to all of the supervisors there. Now there are 27 supervisors, that are all your supervisors, per say, but only one that is your assigned supervisor. Mine was a man named Rob McNair, he is a great guy, very calm and kind. Just the kind I need, if you know me, you know I'm already wound up as it is. I gave him his and then he told me where to go to put the rest in everyones mail boxes. When I came back around the corner he had just finished reading his note, and he said it was making him all teary eyed. Well that was the end of me... I am an emotional person as it is, put me on Loratab, and I am a wreck! So then I start feeling really upset so I start crying and I'm really trying not to. So finally I get myself under control and get ready to go. It was really neat cause they were all saying not to be a stranger, and that I just need to call and they would let me come in to hang out. I was told that I had to send a wedding invitation to them, and that it was required! So even though I am sad to leave a family that I love and that I know loves me. I'm happy to be able to rest and look forward to a regular sleep schedule! Who knows I may go back to UTA...... Not as a driver though!

1 comment:

crazy4danes said...

That was so super sweet of you to do that...and Zach ROCKS for helping you out!!! I'm glad you have family you can count on! You're awesome and I hope after your appointment tomorrow you start feeling better soon!!! :) Luvs!