I can't say that I am really bothered at all. Sure, who doesn't enjoy some of his greatest hits? But really? I don't really care.
What I do care about is that just hours before his memorial service there was a parade of elephants. C'MON people a PARADE OF FREAKIN ELEPHANTS! Now, I know that the elephants were actually part of a long held tradition by the Ringling Bros... but don't you think that it is a bit peculiar that it so happened to fall on the same day as his memorial? Coincidence? I THINK NOT!!!!
So now I have come to the conclusion that if Michael can have it I think that it is only fair that I can as well.
While we are on the subject of my memorial service I would also like to request a couple other things along with my elephants. I would like some lambs, but they need be all washed and so they are all white and clean and they need to have big bows around their necks. Also I would like Cirque du Soleil to HAPPEN to have a parade that HAPPENS to follow my casket and it HAPPENS to end at my grave site. That would be freakin AWESOME!
I would, however, like to request that no one wear white gloves to my funeral.
Thank you, that is all.